We began this journey in 2005, caring for cats and kittens here in central Iowa, and over time developed a focus on solely Ragdolls and Ragamuffins, after finding out firsthand just how therapeutic they are. We specialize in providing the best personalities a cat can have, that you can be proud and excited to introduce to all your friends and family. We have provided many families with their dream cat, as they report, and many have even gone on to register as Emotional Support Animals. We want you to have the kind of cat that you can travel with, teach tricks to, and that offers you unconditional love and daily entertainment for many years to come.
Here at Central Iowa Ragdolls and Ragamuffins we are fully dedicated to raising healthy, socialized, and well-cared-for kittens. We use gentle, non-adjuvanted vaccinations and holistic practices like natural bedding, and biodegradable nontoxic litter. Every kitten receives a proprietary immune system upgrade protocol before going home, along with an extensive starter package that includes everything your kitten will need. Plus, we offer lifetime support and so much more to ensure your kitten’s well-being long after they’ve left our care.
If you wish to explore our credentials please visit our references page linked HERE